Team + Partners - Climate TRACE
Team + Partners
Did You Know?
Climate TRACE is a global non-profit coalition created to make meaningful climate action faster and easier by independently tracking greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with unprecedented detail and speed.
Our Mission
We harness satellite imagery and other forms of remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and collective data science expertise to track human-caused GHG emissions with unprecedented detail and speed.
Climate TRACE’s emissions inventory is the world’s first comprehensive accounting of air emissions based primarily on direct, independent observation. Our innovative, open, and accessible approach relies on advances in technology to fill critical knowledge gaps for all decision makers that rely on the patchwork system of self-reporting that serves as the basis for most existing emissions inventories.
By the Numbers
Climate TRACE is now tracking air emissions and other metadata from 660 million individual emitting assets: facilities, farms, fields, ships, and so on. That is billions of datapoints — so for ease of use, this website aggregates the data into 1.8 million sources, with non-GHG co-pollutant data available for 425,000 sources globally. For example, we’ve grouped all rice production in one county, and all ships by port. For researchers or anyone else who would like to access the gridded data, please reach out via our contact form.
Our members
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is known globally for his work to combat the climate crisis. He is the author of the #1 New York Times best-seller “An Inconvenient Truth,” which shares a title with the Oscar-winning documentary about the climate crisis. In 2007, Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for “informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change.” He is a founding partner and Chairman of Generation Investment Management and Founder and Chairman of The Climate Reality Project.
Carbon Yield leads Climate TRACE's work in the agricultural sector. Their collaborations with researchers across the globe help solve challenging emissions reporting and accounting challenges in ways that improve the credibility and impact of greenhouse gas markets and ultimately incentivize more regenerative food production systems.
CTrees is a nonprofit organization that tracks carbon in every tree and forest on the planet. Led by an international team of scientists and engineers, CTrees delivers science-driven data to governments, companies, and organizations seeking to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation and restore forests at all scales.
Duke University leads the Climate TRACE work on modeling emissions from fuels combusted within buildings based on satellite-derived data. The Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability at Duke accelerates solutions for energy and environmental challenges through actionable research, sustained engagement with decision makers, and transformative educational experiences for future leaders.
Earth Genome leads the Climate TRACE user interface and platform development. Earth Genome is a philanthropic organization that converts Earth systems data into relevant and actionable knowledge to combat climate change. Earth Genome develops and supports policies that fully access and utilize satellite data to both mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects.
The mission of Global Energy Monitor is to develop open information in support of the climate/clean energy movement. GEM supplies Climate TRACE with data on coal plants, gas plants, oil plants, steel plants, Chinese "teapot" refineries, bioenergy power plants, and fossil energy ownership.
Hypervine leads the Climate TRACE work on modeling emissions from mining and mineral extraction activities. is digitizing the largest industry in the world. They help companies—especially in the construction and mining industries—understand how their sites can improve operations, in part through satellite imagery, AI, and blockchain technology.
The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) leads Climate TRACE coalition initiatives to understand the emissions associated with road transportation based on satellite imagery and other remote sensing data. APL provides critical contributions to critical challenges with systems engineering and integration, technology research and development, and analysis.
OceanMind leads the Climate TRACE work on modeling emissions from shipping activity. Using satellites and AI, OceanMind powers enforcement to improve compliance with fishing regulations around the world. At Climate TRACE, they’re now using their expertise monitoring oceans and vessels to understand the emissions associated with shipping.
RMI leads the Climate TRACE work on modeling emissions from oil refining and oil & gas production. RMI is an independent, non-partisan, nonprofit organization of experts that for nearly 40 years has published groundbreaking research and analysis. They work to decarbonize energy systems through rapid, market-based change.
TransitionZero leads the Climate TRACE work on emissions from heavy industry and co-leads the work on emissions from the power sector with WattTime. TransitionZero supports investors, governments, companies, and members of civil society seeking to support the shift to zero-carbon. They combine satellite imagery, machine learning, and financial modeling to provide near-real-time information to support business and policy decisions.
WattTime leads the Climate TRACE work on modeling emissions from the power sector, alongside TransitionZero. WattTime also serves as the coalition secretariat, coordinating fundraising and accountability across the coalition, as well as serving as the interim technical lead for any sectors that do not yet have a permanent lead. WattTime is a tech nonprofit that empowers people, companies, policymakers, and countries to use data to make reducing emissions faster, easier, and more reliable. Founded by UC Berkeley researchers, it develops data-driven tools and policies that increase environmental and social good.
Meet The Coalition

Strategy | Al Gore

Data | Global Energy Monitor

Engineering | Johns Hopkins APL

Research | OceanMind

Engineering | Johns Hopkins APL

Research | WattTime

Engineering | WattTime

Data | Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Research | Duke University

Research | TransitionZero

Data | OceanMind

Research | CTrees
Al Gore
Benificus Foundation
Clean Air Fund
The partners of Generation Investment Management
Holdfast Collective
Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
Schmidt Futures
Climate Group
Clarity AI
Joint Impact Model
Julie Ann Wrigley, ASU Global Futures Laboratory
Muir AI
Subnational Methane Action Coalition
Special Thanks
Alexis Hoffkling
Allen Cao
Alok Talekar
Amar K Mehta
Andre Weertman
Ann Marie Gardner
April Chen
Aryan Jain
Barbara Ryan
Benedicte De Gelder
Bloomberg LP
Blue Sky Analytics
Brady Spiva
Brenno Kaneyasu
Brian Goldman
British Geological Survey
Caleb Dittmar
Canada Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
Carbon Glance
Carbon Tracker
Carnegie Mellon University's CREATE Lab
Charmaine Dalisay
China National Space Agency Gaofen satellites
Christopher Dowd
Clara Duffy
Climate Change AI
Climate Action Data 2.0
Colin McCormick
Dalmia Cement
Dan Bahls
Dan Klein
Dan Knights
Dan Krass
Dan Runcie
Daniel Jimenez
Daniel Tyrrell
Descartes Labs
Elliot Block
Emerson Stering
emLab at University of California, Santa Barbara
European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR)
European Space Agency Copernicus Sentinel program
Gabriela Volpato
Georgetown University
Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet (GASP)
Global Fishing Watch
Global Infrastructure Emission Database
Global Plastic Watch
Government of Abruzzo
Government of Córdoba
Government of Jalisco
Government of Pais Vasco
Government of Pernambuco
Government of Querétaro
Government of Western Cape
Harsha Vardhan Madiraju
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology
Heather Couture
Hudson Carbon
IHS Markit
Ingrid Behrsin
International Aluminum Institute
International Civil Aviation Organisation
Iran Open Data
Jake Manley
Jenni Simmons
James Palmisano
Jonas Hansen
Joint Impact Model
Jon Wang
Julia Wang
Justas Janonis
Kat Jong
Kathi Kitner
Kevin Bowman
Kevin Gurney
Lee Gans
Leor Fishman
Light Metal Age
Lloyd's List
Logan Varsano
Mark Easter
Mark Powell
Marvin Dong
Matt Klein
MEthane Tracking Emissions Reference (METER)
Michelle Chen
Michigan State University
Minderoo Foundation
Mihir Joshi
Mikey Abela
NASA Landsat program
Naoki Lucas
Natalie Vais
Nikki Arnone
Ocean Insight LLC
Ode Partners
Open Earth Foundation
Open Supply Hub
Patrizia Richner
Patrick Song
Paul Bodnar
Paul Moura
Peter Bronski
Petrochemicals Europe
Pixel Scientia Labs
Planet Labs
S&P Global
Sam Ellman
Sara Farag
Shawn Drost
Sheng Shih
Siglar Carbon
Socially Responsible Agriculture Project
Spatial Finance Initiative
Steve Winslow
Tiffany Nakano
Tricia Stering
United Nations Comtrade database
United Nations Industrial Development Program
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
University of Strathclyde
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Val Cohen
Vitaliy Stepanov
Wanda Czerwinski
Waste Atlas
World Geospatial Industries Council
World Resources Institute
Zack Kung